Originally described in
Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, Vol. 82:108.
Mesoscutum with midlobe metallic bluish-green, sidelobes metallic dark purple, with raised and strong reticulation; notauli with posterior ½ as narrow and distinct semicircular grooves; scutellum metallic dark purple with engraved and very weak reticulation, almost smooth; femora and tibiae dark brown; propodeum with median carina long and narrow, LC/WC = 7.4; petiole with a smooth median carina. See also oviesus.
Peru, Trinidad & Tobago.
Similar species in Lucid key
oviesus, but avarus with mesoscutum with midlobe metallic bluish-green and sidelobes metallic dark purple, gaster shorter, MM/LG = 0.6-0.7< /FONT > .
Depository of primary type
Natural History Museum (BMNH), in London.